To create a new list with container tags, click here. Don't click here if you are adding new items to the current list. To insert item tags only, without the container tags, click here. Use this if you are adding items to an existing list. To make list items of blank lines, click here. To ignore blank lines when marking up list items, click here. To not indent the list items, click here. To indent the markup appropriately, click here. Note that this improves the layout of the source, but has no effect on the way the source is interpreted. The Compact attribute is interpreted by some browsers, and allows for special formatting of descriptive lists. It is not available because the Glossary list option has not been selected. To turn balloon help on or off, click here. To mark your selection as a directory, click here. Directories are typically lists of short elements. Some browsers can format these intelligently (eg in columns). To mark your selection as a menu, click here. Menus are typically lists where each item fits on one line. To mark your glossary list as having the COMPACT attribute, click here. The Compact attribute is interpreted by some browsers, and allows for special formatting of Glossary lists. To mark your selection as a glossary list (also known as a 'Descriptive List' or 'Definition List'), click here. This requires pairs of definitions - a title followed by a description (
). eg: Apples Pyrus Malus Pears Pyrus Communis To mark your selection as an ordered list, click here. Style eg: 1. Apples 2. Pears 3. Peaches To mark your selection as an unordered list, click here. Style eg: • Apples • Pears • Peaches To leave your document untouched, click here. To format your selection as the chosen list, click here. If the option key is held down, then the current selection will be marked up as list items, BUT no start or end tags will be inserted. This is useful if you wish to add items to an existing list.